Wisconsin Congressman and former GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan says he doesn’t want to be Speaker of the House and who could blame him considering what the negative, but loud, bunch known as the Freedom Caucus does to reasonable people? Lots of his colleagues think Ryan is the best choice to bring at least some respect to the House, but Ryan says he has a wife and kids, likes what he is doing and he just doesn’t want to invest the time. Besides that, dealing with this unruly crowd could hurt potential presidential aspirations down the road. I think he can be won over. Tell him to accept it for only 14 months, and if he wants out then, so be it. Assign someone else to travel the country to do the fund-raising that consumes so much time and energy. And get tough with “the gang that says no.” Eliminate projects for their districts, do things that make the holdouts unpopular at home and remind them they are but maybe 8 percent of the House and don’t get a veto over whatever they please. If Ryan pulls this off, and saves the Republicans from themselves, he may very well be on his way to the White House later with a reputation as a real leader.
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