Put people to work in real public service

All indications are the economy is going south. Way south. Not talking about the stock market kept artificially high by cash infusions from the Fed. Besides, the market is not the economy. Whether people have a job and can afford their food is the economy.
We have young people who won’t be able to find work. We have people who won’t be able to afford college. We have colleges that will go out of business.There are people losing jobs they thought they would have for the rest of their lives. 
At the same time we have failing roads and bridges, farmers having to bury crops and livestock, food pantries coming up empty.
We have enormous talent, experience and know-how. We have people eager to get something done.
How about nation service programs to put people to work? Fix those roads. Teach people to read. Repair homes of the needy. Pay the farmers for their labor and haul what would be wasted to where it’s needed. Some might want to join the Peace Corps and spread true American good will. Show them we’re not all greedy and crooked. We need contact tracers to track down virus infected folks. How about we educate health care workers free to them? Look at it as an investment. Towns can use a sprucing up. If we can toss billions at companies to do questionable things with we can put people to work. Learn a skill. Put your trade to use. Short term handing out checks will keep people afloat. But they want to feel like they’re making a contribution. 
The fat cats won’t like it. They believe in trickle down from them to the people on the bottom who do the real work. Thing is it never does. They keep most and toss a few crumbs.
We are limited only by our imagination. Sadly, that’s what is missing in Washington.

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