An Atlanta native’s look at the big debate or Welcome to the ‘hood

Biden and Trump face off for what’s billed as a debate in my hometown, Atlanta.
I know you are eager for the insider stuff from an Atlanta native.
The debate comes from CNN’s Ted Turner Campus, what we used to call the Techwood Campus, a 30-acre facility in Midtown. CNN owner Warner Bros. renamed it in 2019 for CNN founder Ted Turner.
Turner got into media because his dad owned an Atlanta  billboard company. When satellites came in he figured you could have a national TV channel. Thus Channel 17, the Super Station, was birthed. I was a columnist at the morning journalism newspaper powerhouse The Atlanta Constitution and Turner had me over for the Sunday “Meet The Press” type show.
One day they asked me if I had heard of the latest venture, an international cable channel called CNN.
I had ‘t but they took me to the basement where a crowded Headline News set was located. They asked if I would like to work there.
No, I said, I don’t think people will watch news 24/7. So much for judgment.
It became so big CNN moved to what at the time was known as the Omni (like the hotel) Center where it stayed for 35 years, across Marietta Street from Olympic Park, and was a must-see for tourists.
Interestingly, although it was two blocks from my Constitution office I never saw it until I was a New Jersey-based author and newsman. CNN called and wanted me on air. I said I was traveling in Georgia. “Not a problem,” they said, “we can put you on from Atlanta” unaware they were referring to this Jersey Guy’s briar patch.
The Turner Campus is on the Interchange where Interstates 75 and 85 share 12 lanes of pavement. A traffic nightmare. It’s surrounded by a truly great internationally respected engineering school, Georgia Institute of Technology (what Atlantans call Tech and we University of Georgia alumni call The North Avenue Trade School). And just a stone’s throw from the worldwide headquarters of the hometown soda, Coca-Cola.
VarsityAcross the big noisy road is the Varsity, since 1928 billed as the world’s largest drive-in. They claim to serve daily two miles of hot dogs, usually with awful neon yellow mustard, 300 gallons of chili plus fries, rings, fried apple pies and other greasy eats.
They say they’re the largest purveyor of Coca-Cola, which is two blocks away. The parking lot used to be a lot bigger but the eternal traffic jam took some of it and they had to build a parking deck.
The Techwood area is where segregationist Lester Maddox operated his Pickrick Cafeteria and sold souvenir ax handles.
Oh, yeah back to the debate.
I will watch it but unlike other journalists will wonder if Trump is aware that just a few hundred yards away is all that Diet Coke. Oceans of it.
He has a legitimate reason to cross the road: Presidents Carter, H.W. Bush, Clinton and Obama have eaten at the Varsity, probably regretting it.
You won’t get this kind of reporting from the others, not even CNN.

Maintaining the Dream

Sixty years ago today Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. presented what has been dubbed the “I have a dream” speech at the March on Washington. It moved a nation down the road to equality. He said: “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and…Continue Reading

New Zealand will make you love life

New Zealand is the only place I ever went to bed telling myself it can’t get any better than this, only to find the next day it can. And to think it started on a plane ride from Cape Town to Johannesburg in 2017 when an Australian banker said, “South Africa is the second most…Continue Reading

Those influences that change your life

  My mom worked at a five and dime lunch counter in Atlanta when such places in other towns didn’t allow Black folks to eat there. A Black woman customer took a liking to my mom and said they had an opening at the garment factory where she worked; it paid a little more. She…Continue Reading

The path more rewarding than the destination

Along the path. How blessed I am to have seen a lot of the world, some alone, some with friends? Always the road traveled and new friends met are as good or better than the destination. In Africa last month, I met a guy who plays for Italy’s national soccer team. Before that, for Florence,…Continue Reading

It took us to Jan. 6 like nothing before

When I was a kid, CBS had a show called “You Are There” hosted by Walter Cronkite. It featured historic events where key figures were interviewed by reporters as if TV existed then. I learned a lot of history. Was thinking about that during the Jan. 6 Committee hearing today. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter produces documentaries.…Continue Reading

Betty White was hero of the news business too

In the Seattle bureau of the Associated Press there was an old black and white TV with a metal coat hanger for antenna. We rolled it out for special occasions. Saw Nixon resign on it. The Saturday night crew wheeled it in for “The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” a program about people in the news…Continue Reading

9-11 way more than a news story

Twenty years ago. It might as well have been yesterday, events remain ever clear and vivid. Emotions so powerful. People often ask about news events I witnessed. The one that is most difficult to discuss is 9/11. So many connections beyond directing our news coverage. The pilot of one of the planes lived near me…Continue Reading

Best part of Oscars was Tyler Perry

When I was a kid growing up in Atlanta we used to slip under the fence at Fort McPherson and explore until the Army MPs rounded us up and took us home. That sprawling former military location is now base for movie mogul Tyler Perry. I don’t know him but I have friends who do…Continue Reading

Republican Georgia wanted to go first, time to send a loud and clear message

Republicans chose Georgia to launch their desperate attempt to hold on to power by passing anti-democratic legislation to suppress the vote. Other states are watching and ready to follow. It is incumbent on those who love democracy to make an example of Georgia. Hit the state hard economically. Tighten the screws. Make the Republicans who…Continue Reading