President-elect Donald Trump’s biggest challenge

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump

President-Elect Trump set the right tone early this morning when he said he would be president of ALL the people and he told our allies around the world we will put America first, but we will be fair. We are a divided nation. Fractured. There is frustration and anger and fear and much of it is understandable. Too many think our government is run by a class of elites in both major parties who have forgotten about the rest of us. It’s not as simple as that, of course; a changing world has upended what we once thought of as basics and unending. Trump’s biggest challenge is to bring us together — and surround himself with the best and brightest. And show respect for those who disagree and are different. Diversity is a major asset. That will determine his success, or whether we will fall into deeper discord. We are strong, stronger than any one politician or party. We are the United States of America — emphasis on United — which became the envy of the globe for our ability to accomplish whatever goal is before us no matter our personal differences.

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